
Ok_Adhesiveness9549 t1_j7e1omq wrote

The series X is amazing!! The gpu is a powerful one and everything runs smoothly. I have a ps5 and the uI and everything feels more fun the exclusives are ok but nothing to give up the extra power of the X for. The ps5 controller is like a the Rolls Royce of controller’s though with hepatic feedback all over the controller it’s amazing can’t get over how cool the rumble and clicking is I can almost feel the textures of sand and ice in God of war worth the console and the psvR2 is dope can’t wait for that. Damn the 3D audio is really good to I just got the ps5 headphones and they sync up flawlessly. Ok maybe go ps5 lol 😂


Ok_Adhesiveness9549 t1_j2ipbyk wrote

For $120 you can get ps ultimate and get all the exclusives for free . Death stranding, Spider-Man, demons souls and more . Ps5 is decent everything plays at a slightly lower resolution under pressure where series X has a bit more power to stay closer to 4K . Ps5 went slightly less powerful for more features like the controller and 3D audio and a fast SSD .


Ok_Adhesiveness9549 t1_j0gu0s3 wrote

I did because I couldn’t get a ps5. Xbox is amazing and it’s designed in North America something to be proud of. That being said PlayStation has a special place in my heart and I purchased a pa5 when I found one and even though it’s the weaker GPU it has an amazing audio chip and SSD don’t forget the hepatic feed back in the controller. the exclusives and just overall user experience is great I feel more connected to friends online. Both are amazing you can’t go wrong.