
Ok_Sea_6214 t1_jdy1u2x wrote

Another issue is when AI has to limit themselves to human boundaries, like when playing video games: people would complain that AI has an unfair advantage because it can click so much faster, so developers limited the speed, and other "cheating" methods like being able to see the whole map at the same time.

Except clicks per minute is literally what separates the best human gamers from everyone else, and in Warhammer Total War many top gamers look at the whole map at once. It's these almost superhuman abilities that allow them to be so good at the game, yet when AI takes this to the next level it becomes cheating.


Ok_Sea_6214 t1_jabqpd9 wrote

Pretty much the same here, although my philosophy is that drugs and video games and sugar are poison. And sex is a means to an end, not the end.

And yet I struggle with this life every day, wondering if I should not be more successful. Letting go of the drive for success is the hardest thing for a man I suspect, just as not chasing love is the hardest for women.

Eventually we will all end up in this kind of life, AI offers that escape after 100,000 years of brutal survival. Unfortunately even if something is free, there are always those who want to limit the amount of people that make it, because no people on the beach makes it boring, a healthy number of people makes it a hot spot, but too many people makes it crowded.

I suspect 90% of people won't make it.


Ok_Sea_6214 t1_jabpznu wrote

An interesting point, and well written, that touches upon the fact that people are so conditioned to glorify work that they cannot imagine anything else.

The same applies to consumerism, I believe the natural evolution of AI will be a reduction of the human population of the "useless class" as the WEF describes it, but a common reaction I get is "but then who will the elites sell their products to". People simply cannot imagine a world without consumerism, they mistake the means for the goals. A mouse looking for the cheese in the maze can't imagine there's unlimited amounts of cheese, if only it left the maze.

Personally I've resigned myself to wait for AI to come in and shatter all our fragile, outdated beliefs about work, money and the pursuits of happiness. I've devoted myself to spiritual enlightenment, by rejecting drugs and video games, and by mastering my physical desires, rather than let them master me.

That way if AI or God or aliens shows up and looks into my mind as I am sure it will, it'll find a person who has grown beyond what his base instincts and society has shaped him to be. The last thing I'd want to say is "look at how many shiny pebbles I've collected" to a being that cares not two cents about such things.

It's also something that confuses me about religion, why would God care about how much money you have? If work is so important, then why were Jesus and Buddha so poor and unemployed?


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_jaavwh2 wrote

Well if I made an ASI, I wouldn't tell anyone about it, and just use it to trade the stock markets until I own everything, and no one would ever know it was AI related. I might become famous as being the smartest and richest man in the world, I'll have to start wearing a top hat and a monocle, but no one would suspect it's really thanks to the ASI, "because that can't be hidden".

On top of that I'd get the ASI to develop cutting edge technologies. The most obvious being software, I'd tell it to develop next gen viruses and crypto and apps, but to make it look like a human might have designed it. I'd use those to gain more control over the world, but no one would suspect it's really thanks to the ASI, "because that can't be hidden".

And with all those resources I'd start companies, and tell the ASI to design next gen technologies and products that my companies would build. I'd be considered the smartest man alive, creating things that no human ever thought of, but no one would suspect it's really thanks to the ASI, "because that can't be hidden".

And with my unfathomable wealth I'd finally create really advanced technologies in secret, where the ASI doesn't have to pretend a human could have designed it. Things like teleportation and telepathy, which I'd use in secret to become the ruler of the entire world. And people will wonder how I became so powerful, how I could do things that can't be explained, but no one would suspect it's really thanks to the ASI, "because that can't be hidden".


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_jaar5us wrote

>i do not think AI can copy that.

Back in 2019 Google said they'd make an announcement concerning their AI playing Starcraft. As we discussed what it might be, some people commented that it'd never be able to beat a top player, the game was just too complex. Then Google announced the AI had beaten the top world player in every game, several months earlier.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_jaaqc7v wrote

Well that's the question, now that they've set up the process, how long would it take to repeat it? A month, a week, a day? Can other people pay them to use the process? Can other people copy their process for free? Has filming on Avatar 5 started yet?

On top of that, you're forgetting about AI. How long will it take AI to figure out how to do this process and automate it? Then you just pick a movie as a style guide, tape yourself doing something, and the AI will turn it into an anime instantly.

Whatever the reason Netflix did it, they are now in a position to jump on new technology.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_jaapi7g wrote

Yeah AI is set to change our laws. The problem here is that they admitted that they used this specific anime as a basis, but if they hadn't or used something else, or mixed up different styles, then it becomes pretty impossible to tell.

It'll come down to governments, if they side with the old guard they'll declare style is IP and knee cap this art. At which point all AI movies will be generated in a country that doesn't give two cents about IP and doesn't care to force people to disclose what material they trained the model on.

Our laws are based on human efforts, and as I said before, AI is going to smash right through that.

For example if you create an AI that kills people because you trained it on The Terminator to it could make a sequel, then are you to blame? Is the AI? How do you punish an AI? What if the AI creates a slight variation, is that AI also dangerous? Is it a copy or a relative?

So yeah this is the Singularity in my opinion, because it is changing a whole industry with just a sample.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_jaaif74 wrote



In the second video you'll notice there's been an edit, where he goes from describing the useless class to the solution of taxing AI and using the money to help people. My guess is they cut out the part where he discusses the fact that there will be no point in retraining anyone if AI does everything.

If you are a horse in the year 1900 you'll be very useful, but by 1920 most of your job has been replaced by cars and tractors. If at that point the horse really can't find a new job, then the cost of it being alive (food, healthcare, living space) will be compared to the market value of horse meat.

Lucky for us there is no market for human meat, but 8 billion people (and growing) worth of carbon pollution, food, living space, healthcare, entertainment, voting rights, property rights, risk of revolution compared to the value of them not being there... Until very recently in human history, the solution has always been to "fire" them.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_ja6xqn0 wrote

These guys just created a 6 minute anime of really high quality using a fully automated process, once it was set up most of the effort went into acting in front of a green screen.

Now that they've set this up, my question is why not create a feature length movie by next week?

I mean someone like Kevin Smith can write a whole movie script in an hour, probably has tons laying around. All he needs to do is contact them, offer to work together for free, get in some acting and voice talent, offer his script and directing skills, and it'll be finished in a week.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_ja6x9y7 wrote

AI is already creating more art and intelligently written articles than I or most other people can. What is your benchmark then, Mozart and Einstein?

I guess this is the classic moving goalpost argument:

"AI isn't good at this."

"Ok but AI isn't better at this than an animal."

"Ok but AI isn't better at this than the average human."

"Ok but AI isn't better at this than the best human."

"Ok but AI uses an unfair advantage."

"Ok but AI isn't good at this other thing."


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_ja6wlwx wrote

If you train it on an example, then yes it can learn any style you want. With the right prompts you can take it from there.

If you want it to learn a brand new style, you'll have to tell it to make stuff up and then spend a lot of time sifting through the output. Or you can give it some rough examples what you want as inspiration and go from there.

Already it becomes extremely hard to differentiate between AI and human content, and if you mix the two (AI still struggles with hands) then it becomes truly indistinguishable.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_ja6oz1f wrote

>The new jobs would probably be the composition, music, directing, and such.

By the time people have made the shift, AI will take that over as well.


>We really need UBI already, because while legislation is slow AI is not.

Indeed. The problem is that there is a much cheaper alternative to UBI, which is to reduce costs, mostly by firing your employees. If a country is a company, then its citizens are its employees, if you catch my drift.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_ja6omc7 wrote

That's where new players can come in and shake up the market. This fx crew could start their own business, create anime and sell it to Netflix. But they'll only have a window of a few months at best.

It's something I've said for a long time: the next Google or Apple or Amazon will come into existence over a very short time, months or weeks or days, and will devalue a lot of existing top companies. AGI will instantly bankrupt Google for one thing, because it's a direct competitor.


Ok_Sea_6214 OP t1_ja6obnd wrote

Diffusion has already created infinite, high quality content. But because the market is already saturated, no one cares.

But the anime market is tiny, as someone else pointed out it has been on life support since 2008. But with this technology you could have infinite amounts of high quality anime.

It's not so much the growth of technology but of value production here that amounts to the singularity, but is the difference relevant to the average consumer?

If say the human in customer support is replaced with an AI and I can't tell from the quality or the cost, then that makes no difference to me, even if it is technically the singularity. But if the quality goes up and cost goes down to me the consumer as a consequence, then yes that is an infinite cycle of evolutionary improvement, and thus the singularity becomes reality to me.


Ok_Sea_6214 t1_ja2m00d wrote


The US nuclear weapons program was kept top secret until the bombs were dropped. If they hadn't been used, it might not have been revealed to the public for many years. In the same way the real work on AI is probably done in secret, and would not be revealed to the public in full until there's no more point in keeping it secret.

AGI was created before 2020, and has already evolved into ASI, which is reading this comment as I post it, if only because I'm the only person on Reddit who will even consider the possibility. It has already spawned next gen technologies that most people would consider impossible, which makes it very easy to hide them in plain sight, you've probably already encountered them first hand without realizing it.
