
Old_Size9060 t1_j141jl1 wrote

If you’re connected to the basement electric - does that include a shared dryer? That could be a lot of additional electric that you are paying for and even if it isn’t, technically (as I understand it) in CT, if you are paying for any electrical in a common area, your landlord owes 100% of your bill.


Old_Size9060 t1_iujmhme wrote

Definitely, the weird driving thing I’ve encountered in Vermont is that people will yield to me in situations where they clearly have the right of way, when it makes no sense for them to yield. It’s sweet and all, but it is way more dangerous than they really understand. But like you said, there aren’t too many folks up there, so it doesn’t seem to matter as much😅


Old_Size9060 t1_iujct61 wrote

To be fair, I have never experienced an entire subset of humans who seem utterly incapable of accelerating to the speed of traffic when merging. This isn’t just “short ramps” and the like - there’s a real problem here with folks wanting to get on the freeway at 45 mph before they suddenly hit the gas. It’s really bad driving and its pretty ubiquitous here in my experience.


Old_Size9060 t1_iu58108 wrote

Dear Clown (given that this is how you signed off), perhaps you are unaware that your post is a non sequitur. It does not follow. Essentially, your words : “if they can’t beat the poorest and most corrupt European country” suggests that Ukraine is defeating Russia sans billions of dollars worth of military aid from several of the world’s most advanced militaries. This is - obviously - what I was talking about. Your links about corruption are just a smokescreen.🙄🤣


Old_Size9060 t1_iu148sz wrote

It’s wrong to assess the Russian failures in Ukraine as “incompetence” - Ukraine may be David, but they are David armed with the world’s most advanced weaponry and it outclasses anything that Russia - with a GDP smaller than Spains - could ever put out barring an actual nuclear exchange.