
OneForAllOfHumanity t1_jed4zxw wrote

There needs to be a threshold for conflict to cause a ban. Border skirmishes and internal strife are not the same as mobilizing hundreds of thousands of combatants and invading a country, bombing civilians and kidnapping children. There are valid reason for armed conflict, sometimes it's the government that's doing what it has to do, sometimes it's the rebels that are fighting an oppressive government.

I'm pretty sure that at a minimum, if your leader has been charged with war crimes, you're over that threshold...

(And yes, GW should have been charged too)


OneForAllOfHumanity t1_ixmyx8j wrote

Nothing justifies the horrible destruction that Russia is doing to Ukraine, but the one silver lining, if there can even be one, is that counties that are subject to this level of destruction will often come out of it in a better way with modern rebuilding. Think of Germany and Japan after WWII; they became the technological and manufacturing powerhouses with better lives for their citizens.