
OnionBagMan t1_jdxgb9e wrote

Giant Heirlooms. Riverwards and KCFC(LOL) The Acme is still new to me. A new discount grocer opened on American. Palm Trees and places like Castellino’s have opened. Ten years ago there were a lot less places.

Several building that were given variances also have an empty floor on the bottom waiting for a grocery to fill.

There have also been produce markets that have come and gone as well.

We’ve seen Green Grow, Green Aisle, Parsley and Sage and others come and go. They don’t all make it.

We also have one of the best Asian grocery stores and Cousins.


OnionBagMan t1_jdfwakg wrote

What you are describing is a suburb and HOA type idea rather than a city.

People in cities hate everything. Paris hated the Eiffel Tower. People hated the Empire state building and people hate Comcast 1.

I get where you are coming from but for a long time Philly didn’t even want tall buildings. That set the city back about 100 years behind Chicago and New York.

Maybe a car oriented stadium isn’t what we need. Maybe we will lose the stadium to Camden. Who knows? Just don’t tear stuff down to make parking lots and IDGAF what you build. That’s just me though.


OnionBagMan t1_j9v5kxw wrote

Yeah he probably thinks a parking garages would reduce traffic or something. Also Fishtown was never meant to be a suburban car town that people commute from. People used to walk to the other side of Front and work in the factories.

With things like WFH I do not think Fishtown should be trying to attract car owners as residents. I’d rather more business density to offset the need to travel outside the hood.


OnionBagMan t1_j9v52da wrote

We are in a densely populated city where perhaps cars aren’t important?

We’ve been learning for the past few decades that building more parking and roads doesn’t help the downtowns of cities. Parking sucks in Manhattan but who cares? This isn’t Atlanta after all, it’s a pedestrian city.


OnionBagMan t1_j91i4pn wrote

I’m running a 1080ti and can play whatever I want.

This article is a bit off imo. Any computer can run almost any game these days. Sure you can go overboard with your spending it it’s completely unnecessary. An i5-2500k and a 970 will probably play 99% of future 2023 releases just fine.