
Opening_Ad_3242 t1_isciw01 wrote

They actually do donate and still do. The fact is, there's shit loads of legacies for them to choose from and many of them have perfect records, legacies who don't try hard aren't gonna make the cut, even legacies that do work hard don't make it.


Opening_Ad_3242 t1_isa7dh2 wrote

You still have to have high grades, test scores and extra curriculars to get in as a legacy. My friend applied to Notre Dame as a legacy (grandfather and father went there). Had a 3.8, 1400s on his SAT and was class president and played Varsity Tennis. Did not get in. I could have applied as a legacy too but had a 2.9 and would not even have had a chance. These schools don't just go "oh he's a legacy, come on in!". There's a finite number of people they take every year and there are plenty of legacies with perfect GPAs, high test scores and tons of extra curriculars to choose from.