
Ordie100 t1_j9p25yr wrote

The bridges I know of or have worked with with have been under Coast Guard federal regulations like the Chelsea Creek Bridge and the Amtrak Portal Bridge but I'm no expert and I know the Army Corp is involved in it as well, don't personally know the specifics as to who says what, just that there are many lengthy documents on ecfr.gov about protecting drawbridges at all costs


Ordie100 t1_j64x56u wrote

For those of us who live in Eastie we would prefer not having to walk into the depths of the airport to take the train to work... It's a classic transit planning debate, do you screw over the people who live near the airport by diverting the line to the center of the airport or do you have shuttle buses


Ordie100 t1_j5nblsp wrote

4 feet is a very worst case prediction but yeah looking at the cities maps it's still very far from "the entire city is doomed" even in a worst case 1% flood 2070 scenario. https://boston.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=77e5ead45a664676b7d404d6df3d7f05&extent=-71.0996,42.3244,-70.9606,42.3940 from https://www.boston.gov/departments/environment/preparing-climate-change


Ordie100 t1_j5mz0dq wrote

We see these pictures every time there's a storm, and I've heard of approximately 18,000 waterfront planning studies, but does the city have any real, funded capital plan to fix long wharf? Like it clearly needs it's elevation raising a few feet, ideally it needed it about 50 years ago, so why haven't we done anything? If we can't fix things that already regularly flood what hope do we have for the future?


Ordie100 t1_j10q762 wrote

Insurance will cover a lot (and is usually mandatory) but there's a gap between when this kind of thing happens and when insurance pays out. Things like salaries and bills keep coming and there's no income. Sure perhaps a healthy business would have an emergency fund to cover that stopgap but let's be real most local businesses operate pretty month to month in terms of finances. (Also this GoFundMe wasn't even set up by the businesses, I never understand how these things get so many donations because there's nothing stopping the organizer from just pocketing that money)


Ordie100 t1_j06z1fz wrote

It's hard to find, no real signage or anything, but there's a link to the harborwalk by Porzio Park, from there sidewalks take you to Terminal A (from there you can keep going on the sidewalk or get on a shuttle bus to the right terminal). You can even stop off at the very well hidden 9/11 Memorial on your way.

There's also a path that goes from the Blue Line Airport stop to Terminal E, so if you lived on that side of Eastie you can walk over the tracks at airport station and then walk in that way.

The whole place isn't particularly well designed for pedestrians but I was surprised the first time I did it at the completeness of the sidewalks and pedestrian signals at traffic lights


Ordie100 t1_ixx0dfz wrote

Eventually Frank won't be around to record for one reason or another and we'll end up either having random words and stops be in different voices or having to replace it all then. He's 60 years old he can't keep recording new phrases forever. Also while not expensive, just think of the hassle every time the MBTA wants to move a bus stop for example, something they're going to be doing an awful lot of over the next 6 years with the Bus Network Redesign. There are literally thousands of stops

Using a computer generated voice also lets you make non-routine announcements on the fly, like voice overs announcing delays or upcoming construction work. Those already use a computerized voice.

Wonder if they could contract Frank and a third party to generate an AI voice model of him.


Ordie100 t1_ixwv741 wrote

For long term planning settling on one unified computer synth voice would be sensible so it could be rolled out across the fleet and updated when bus stops move and new lines open and put onto the commuter rail. Of course I enjoy Frank's voice much more than any synthesized voice but relying on one person will eventually backfire