
OrganicallyChemist t1_j9hcf8g wrote

Went through a breakup just weeks before having to start dedicated period for step. Also was a 4 year long relationship. He dumped me. I was devastated. We moved across country when I started medschool, so I was super alone. I was financially absolutely dependent on him, as well. Best things I've done: reached out to my classmates, all of them, publicly via our group chat, with all of the vulnerability. Even though we are not close, I received an overwhelming amount of support from them. They hot me through the first month or so. Try it if you can. Another thing was this: every time a heart aching thought would come, I'd do this exercise ive learned in therapy where I would ask myself: 1. Is this thought true? 2. Is this thought kind? 3. Is this thought helpful?. None of the thoughts were. It really helped. Also, therapy. You know you can get through this. It just really sucks in the moment. Do what you need to do to get through this, be kind to yourself. This might not look pretty at the moment, but you'll get through this. Be kind to yourself. Reach out for help and support. Hang in there, you're not alone.