
OtherwiseOMG1 t1_j5d6fx9 wrote

There are a lot of articles about not using a debit card at the pump, or really anywhere else, as protections are different than with a Credit Card. I’d recommend using credit only or cash.


OtherwiseOMG1 t1_iu9ud77 wrote

If things keep going the way they are there will come a time where there are no more college students looking to graduate from any education program. But it starts on a hyper-local level, if you want your kids to have a good education you can’t vote against every referendum to increase property taxes. If you concede that yes, paying more will help your children (and if you have none, the children in your community), it’s easier to accept. Unfortunately, most communities want it both ways, shouting “pay teachers more” yet being unwilling to pay a couple hundred dollars more per year to allow this to happen.

Most importantly, if you truly want change run for a school board seat and implement the changes you want to see. One statistic showed that in 2016 53% of school board members in NJ had been re-elected more that three times. And over over 50% of those board members continued to win simply because they were unopposed. There was no one else running for that seat.

Local politics may be boring but we all need to get much more involved in our communities. There is very little we can do to affect change at the national level aside from voting. But things going on in our own backyard, we can have a much greater impact on.

So go out and do something about the teachers in your district being unable to take a sick day for fear of not getting a sub.