
Otree38 t1_je7j6x9 wrote

Lifetime DC resident, current Boston college student, and transit fan: WMATA is (at the moment) leagues better than the MBTA. Even when the T is functioning (which it isn’t right now, think SafeTrack era level of fucked up) it doesn’t go nearly as far out (which some see as a plus) and isn’t as convenient, clean, and comfortable as Metro. Sure, they have more robust commuter rail, but the headways are way worse, fares are more expensive, and it’s generally just more of a hassle. Coming back to DC is such a breath of fresh air.


Otree38 t1_j8ifkhx wrote

People and the news are seriously overblowing this incident. It was bad, don’t get me wrong, but calling it a “mini-Chernobyl” is just fully inaccurate. We’ll be totally fine here.