Outlulz t1_jdr8cjk wrote
Reply to comment by big-red-aus in Twitter loses bid to throw out complaint by Australian Muslim group over ‘hateful’ content | Twitter by ZealousidealClub4119
And as the article points out, Musk himself said Twitter should run according to the laws and not just the values of a small number of people in a certain geographic area.
Now, by that he meant conservatives shouldn’t be banned for calling people slurs just because people in Silicon Valley don’t like it. But now the court get to use his words to justify why Twitter should be subject to Australia’s laws and not just Delaware’s.
Outlulz t1_j5w3707 wrote
Reply to comment by cadium in Twitter faces legal complaint in Germany over anti-Semitic content by davetowers646
He claims he didn't know his company was doing so but he's too busy to fix every problem himself. Meanwhile he responds to every complaint Catturd has personally and today is busy complaining that Justin Roiland was fired for the felony DV charge and all the texts of him being a sex pest and grooming underage girls.
Outlulz t1_j1usiqb wrote
Reply to comment by billpalto in Air Force quietly speeds up plans to eliminate spy planes on the front line of America's fentanyl war by jivatman
And the Air Force doesn’t think domestic drug enforcement should be their job anyway.
Outlulz t1_j10zal6 wrote
Reply to comment by mahabraja in TikTok bans hit more U.S. states; security firm says most access blocked globally by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
News? We're talking about communications directly from government agencies unfiltered by any other source. Which you seem to have some problem with if it's not on a website or maybe an old timey radio broadcast or something.
Outlulz t1_j0z3w0n wrote
Reply to comment by mahabraja in TikTok bans hit more U.S. states; security firm says most access blocked globally by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
They say smugly on a social media network.
Outlulz t1_j0xxz2s wrote
Reply to comment by thefugue in TikTok bans hit more U.S. states; security firm says most access blocked globally by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
It’s really not. They’re using the same stuff every American company is using. Google probably knows more about you from tracking all your browser and search activity, email activity, and potentially phone activity including location and bundling that all into one valuable data profile to sell to advertisers.
Outlulz t1_j0xxlc3 wrote
Reply to comment by mahabraja in TikTok bans hit more U.S. states; security firm says most access blocked globally by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
What a brain dead take. Government is going to use what people want to use for communication. They want this information to be seen by as many eyes as possible.
Outlulz t1_j0iim3b wrote
Reply to comment by Here_is_to_beer in Oregon city drops fight to keep Google water use private by ChocolateTsar
The Columbia River is important for the salmon lifecycle. It already has it's own set of challenges because of the Bonneville Dam just downstream of The Dalles.
Outlulz t1_iy71rmz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Facebook Parent Meta Fined $276 Million in Europe for Data-Scraping Leak by bubblehack3r
Really? Because you probably use Alphabet’s most popular platforms Google and YouTube daily.
Outlulz t1_iwzkwjk wrote
Reply to comment by CarelessCogitation in The leap second’s time is up: world votes to stop pausing clocks by 1r0ut3
Better it get dark in the evening than be dark late in the morning. Permanent DST is antagonistic to human circadian rhythms. We need sunlight to wake up and keep our internal clocks in sync with solar cycles.
Outlulz t1_iueudsv wrote
Reply to comment by BrownMan65 in Over 350 fall into river after a suspension bridge collapses in India by Kaioshinsama7
Renovation or built, the recent project was a rush job without safety in mind.
Outlulz t1_iuecqey wrote
Reply to comment by frodosdream in Over 350 fall into river after a suspension bridge collapses in India by Kaioshinsama7
I was just arguing with someone complaining how major infrastructure projects in America take too long and we should be more like China and India who have bridges up in days. Who in their right mind would trade speed for the sake of speed over safety?
Outlulz t1_je3pr5n wrote
Reply to comment by pomonamike in US opens investigation into Tesla seat belts coming loose by StevenSanders90210
And these are still the same models they’ve been selling for years and they STILL can’t get it right. Eventually they’re going to have to do what every other manufacturer does much more often and release a refreshed body and interior design and start this thing again from square one.