
Outside_Money_1786 t1_j2cpxzl wrote

Wasn't a fan personally. It's one of the few Edgar Wright movies I wasn't big on. I can appreciate it's artistic direction. And it is interesting seeing a lot of those actors before they hit it big. But yeah not one of my faves. Although I can see why it appeals to some. I did enjoy ready player one though. I'm not book wanker enough to slate it from deviating from its source material as it was specifically written by the author of the book to do so. Although the same cant be said for the hitchhikers guide movie as I wasn't keen in that either. In fact I preffered the earlier TV series from the late 70s/early 80s it's very restricted budget is what allowed the comedy to shine. Similar to red dwarf in that respect


Outside_Money_1786 t1_j1rkgqd wrote

Yep it's deffo my fave Xmas movie. It just has that slight level of cynicism I require from a comedy. The other half has always favoured home alone. But jingle all the way has become my go to Xmas movie for me. Only Christmas eve I used the line on someone that they couldn't bench press their way out of this one lol.