
OverallChicken7507 t1_j6cd3b8 wrote

  1. Stop reading fearmongering media, it isn't good for your mental health. China doesn't have the capacity to even attempt to invade America, they physically wouldn't be able to support any troops in the US, even assuming that they could land troops there in the first place. The US has military bases on every continent including one practically neighbouring China, while China is boxed in by islands and chokepoints. Even if they reached military parity with the US (which is unlikely), geography alone advantages the US immensely in a direct confrontation, to the point where it would be utterly irrational for China to even try. At most they'd go for Taiwan within our lifetimes, anything else is too unlikely to bother even considering for people like us.

  2. Even if all of what I said is wrong and China does just nuke everyone out of the blue, there's nothing you or I can do about it so just chill.


OverallChicken7507 t1_iyef7yf wrote

Yeah that's my thinking too. However this all turns out, I suspect we'll be seeing changes in China over the coming years. I'm hoping they're for the better, but in ask honesty I'm not very optimistic. I know people in China who used to always invite me to go move over there, now when I talk to them, they aren't openly critical of the government but their advice has completely changed to "you're fine where you are, better to be stable." People can tell something's up.


OverallChicken7507 t1_iyeeve0 wrote

Yep. Every time I see headlines like "Chinese authorities displaying a show of force," I'm thinking to myself, sending the riot police out against unarmed civilians isn't a show of force, it's a show of fear. And they're right to be afraid, people know they deserve better.