
PAUMiklo t1_j9oz84k wrote

your post implied that people are capable of independent thought and not emotional posturing. Look at how many people protested the Puerto rican day episode on Seinfeld then even admitting they had not seen it yet because it was automatically implied to be racist while never viewing the context for themselves. Not to mention how many shows today continue to be overly racist but so long as the character is POC it gets a pass. A lot of people claiming they want jstice and equality but seeking their pound of flesh in the process.


PAUMiklo t1_ix1o5n1 wrote

it's a poor man's Bob's Burgers with fewer interesting characters. aside from Wolf and honey bee the rest of the family is just eh, and the towns people are just walking tropes, honestly without it's association with BB it probably would have been cancelled already but too many fan boys/girls prop it up to preserve their fandom cards.


PAUMiklo t1_is6js7n wrote

I have a long history of dropping shows after several seasons, often for benign reasons like i got busy, lost interest or just moved on to something else. a lot fo times once the show moved onto the the trope marriages, kids/pregnancy arcs I move on because it's often a wash rinse and repeat script wise across the shows.

Sons of anarchy, never got around to the final season.

walking dead once they got pushed out of the prison (forget the season) never picked it back up.

Final season of Super store and B 99 were unwatchable and dropped it. The Office is very hit or miss post Michael and I hate the nellie character so its hard to watch.

Master of none had a great 1st season, second season was a little more of a chore to watch and third was straight garbage and dropped it part way through.

Watched second season of Upload, have zero interest in keeping up with it, same for The boys, season one, no interest in anything further.

Took me several years to finish community, the final season and a half or so i always lost steam and gave up.

Dropped Shameless when it just became hat social issue of the week can we plug very superficially. same can be said for OITNB, solid freshman season, jumped the shark after.

Lost, forget what season i stopped watching because I lost interest. Same with The americans, simpsons is sporadic but not kept up on.

ITASIP, Rick and morty, Bob's burgers have gone from must watch to whenever i get around to it.

the list can go on, but overall it's a bit on the rare side if i can keep the momentum through an entire series.