PLOHNO t1_j9a4ui1 wrote

My pick is the HD660S because it's a good all-rounder that I can listen to many genres without too much complaint. I have a hard time with the HD800S and rock due to the lack of visceral bottom end which no amount of EQ solves.


PLOHNO t1_iy4quj0 wrote

Pick a black session artist from the 70's or 80's, when these cats were bouncing from studio to studio creating incredible music with little help from computers, and look at their contributions throughout the decades.

Here's one to get started: Steve Jordan.


PLOHNO t1_iy3ho8l wrote

If I was forced to keep only one headphone in my signature, it would be the 660S. It doesn't have an enormous soundstage or jaw-dropping detail. However, it's viscerally engaging most of the time, I never leave the office and worry about dropping it, collecting dust or pollen outside or the dog eating the cord because I can have another one delivered in a day or two without losing sleep over cost. Also, I can dance and bang my head without the damn thing falling off my head.