PM_CTD t1_ja6n4u2 wrote


PM_CTD t1_ja58fiy wrote

A base iPhone 14 is 3,279 mAh. At 120V that's 393.48Wh. National average cost of electricity per kWh is $0.16, so charging an iPhone costs about $0.06. Apple doesn't publish exact sale figures, but we can assume sales at least matched the iPhone 13, take away 10 million because the iPhone 14 is newer, assume about 40% of that is US, and you get about 13 million iPhone 14s in the US.


Theoretically, this saves ~$2,080,000 of energy in the US alone. Factor in other phones and other markets, it can easily save significantly more. Obviously, this is still a drop in the bucket compared to total energy use, but it isn't as insignificant as you might think.


Edit: See replies, did the math wrong. It saves ~$26,00 per day.