PM_Me_OCs t1_jeglloh wrote

Reply to comment by FistfulOfShit in [ Removed by Reddit ] by ho_D_or7

If I actually cared about what you or anyone else commenting, "ThErE's OnLy OnE dEfInItIoN fOr ThAt WoRd AcRoSs AlL sPaNiSh DiAlEcTs," I'd be a lot worse off. My train of thought is up there, take it or leave it.


PM_Me_OCs t1_jegdyg5 wrote

Reply to comment by FistfulOfShit in [ Removed by Reddit ] by ho_D_or7

If you want to replace the wrong words, go for it. Originally, it was "interesante imbecil," I don't speak Spanish but I'm pretty sure they were going for "Over here, stupid."

"Intere • san • te, imbecil," I had to think about it for more than five seconds too, don't beat yourself up about it.
