
PMurBoobsDoesntWork t1_jctzuw5 wrote

I used this when I moved to Connecticut in 2018. I found it to be spot on for those categories at least for me. I don’t know if it has been updated lately, as things are more expensive now.

Of course, it works if you understand that this only includes those categories that are necessary just to survive.

You won’t be comfortable and you won’t have disposable income if you only earn that, but you’ll “survive”.


PMurBoobsDoesntWork t1_iuimofw wrote

This happens everywhere. And while there are assholes out there, it also happens naturally without the driver noticing it sometimes.

Our brain tries to match the speed of cars around us. That’s why sometimes you check the dashboard and you get surprised by how fast you’re going because you’re driving at the same speed of those around you.