PR7ME t1_ixps7rh wrote

Yes. I've seen the video. One thing that isn't factored in is everyday use, charging infrastructure is expansive, that's completely discounted in the video.

Renault is a European brand, which predominantly operates in Europe, and right now, we've got the highest electricity prices in the world.

The video might be more true for the US, but it doesn't factor European prices right now.


PR7ME t1_ixps0tw wrote

Current prices in Europe, no.

Electricity is more expensive. When we've seem gas prices which are the equipment of $500/barrel of oil, I highly doubt it'll be cheaper to run.

Secondly charging at 43kW/250kW is very expensive, becuase the cost of infrastructure is expensive and needs to be paid off too. The unit price of electricity is only one factor.

Don't get me wrong, these trucks will sell, but not on pure business and economic basis.

I'm no EV hater, I have had one for years, I just like to look at the numbers as well.