
PScooter63 t1_jbagr0f wrote

Make sure there’s a battery recycling program for whatever brand/model you end up with. The last thing our landfills need is more batteries. Personally, battery-powered only makes sense for RV/boat, or some place out of reach of a corded solution.
I tried the cordless approach for convenience, and found it to be a hollow promise (battery powered motors simply don’t perform as well).


PScooter63 t1_j9vkxr4 wrote

Reply to comment by imzeigen in A good car for an old folk? by imzeigen

Too bad about the Forester. It sounds like your relative is looking for a reassuring interface, but here's the thing: the functionality didn't actually go away, it just changed form. ( Just about everything he/she knows about a car has changed form.)

This sounds like either they didn't like the vehicle, and used the gauge as a convenient excuse, OR someone needs to explain to them how engine temperatures are reported in a modern vehicle (because they are, they must be).


PScooter63 t1_j8gtxmr wrote

Let me tell you my story of a closely-related mobile device and its relative longevity.
I bought a first-gen iPad Pro, the 12.9” model, as an open box from a reputable online retailer (not Amazon) in 1/2016. I use it semi-professionally, and the battery finally failed a year ago. I called my local Apple Store in a panic, and I took it in. The warranty was long expired, but they gave me the option of a battery replacement for $100… I took it. The shocker was, they didn’t actually replace the battery… they had a mint-condition refurb in the back, of exactly the same hardware config, even down to the correct color! They managed to wipe my old device after transferring everything “mission critical”… I had a local backup for everything else at home. The refurb has been perfect ever since, and I’ll keep it until they end security updates (no end in sight). Again, all that for a flat fee of $100. No blemishes, absolutely as-new. This as close to BIFL I’ve ever gotten with a complex battery-powered electronic device.


PScooter63 t1_j7qi1br wrote

Years ago, I found a company online that sold the metal panel-style bed platforms used in almost every hotel room in the US. Most online companies sell only to hotels, but I was persistent and found one that would sell to consumers. I wanted to prevent my pets from venturing underneath. They’re not cheap (over $100 US), but you can buy the height you want to the inch, they’re rock-solid, and they WILL last forever.


PScooter63 t1_j4r7wc1 wrote

I keep a stash of charged rechargeable batteries, thriftiest solution by far for the performance.

Good to know the sealed rechargeable models last that long though. I wonder if the OP could elaborate on what the cause of death was. Mechanical failure? Internal battery failure?