
Padaf3t OP t1_jbm50d7 wrote

Thanks ☺️

I buy all the piece for the board at

The boba U4 are just perfect for this build, cause I want it to be somewhat silent and feel great (which I was pleasantly surprise when I (didn't) hear them)

I'm coming from a 75%, its a big step and the 6x3 is just perfect for that. Maybe someday I'll made one with only a 5 column, who knows πŸ˜„


Padaf3t OP t1_jbk3le7 wrote

Thanks :)

I'm still looking for a typing layout. I hesitate between dorvak or colemak, both seems good and don't know which one to try first.

For the other layer my keymap are pretty much done. Will only need to do some adjusting when I'm gonna use it.

I will use this baby mostly for programming :D


Edit: finally go for the colemak one I will try it now :D


Padaf3t OP t1_jbixbey wrote

After lurking on the ergo keyboard subreddit for a little while, I decide to look into a split keyboard. The hic was that I never have solder before and my hands are a little shakky. So I watch some youtube video, Search the documentations for split keyboard.

At first I look into lily58 and other bigger keyboard. But finally hop for the corne in 6x3 that was available almost everywhere and has a lot of documentation. I decide to go with hotswap socket for the switch and the microcontroller.

After getting all the piece, I wait 4-5 month before tackling that baby. (That was 2 week ago). I began soldering and didnt know what to expect. At first that seems a considerable challenge, but was in the end not so much difficult to do. (I just mess the microcontroller one, because I didn't know at the time the millmax pins needed to be FORCE into the socket)

After all the soldering I test everything and redo some place until everything working correcty.

For the aesthetics, that was when I saw the purrfect XDA kitty that I know it was the one

Hope that help !!


Padaf3t OP t1_jbhl06g wrote

Just finish my first keyboard, first solder job and all. Didn't expect the soldering to be somewhat easy. I got some hiccup along the road, but finally everything working just fine. Finishing this was an awesome feeling.

I put some Boba U4 in there, and just love the typing feeling on those

Hope you all likes my purrfect baby like I do

Edit: Its a wired CKBRD (corne) and hotswapable, I just didn't want to show the ugly cable