
Painting_Agency t1_j50w1ap wrote

The thing is that with science we CAN explore how things happen. There isn't really a "why" in evolution though. I mean, there is a why in the proximal sense, but there's no plan. Alleles either propagate in a population or they don't. With good data analysis we can map how that happened, when it happened, and we can postulate and test what causes it to happen.


Painting_Agency t1_j50grma wrote

> “we’re not entirely sure.”

As someone with a moderate biological education I always assume "if the chances of something are low, just remember evolution has a LOT of time and a LOT of DNA replication events to work with" is the answer to weird questions about evolution.


Painting_Agency t1_j4ncuve wrote

> Mennonites

There are at least a few Mennonites attending the veterinary school where I work. Women, otherwise honestly I might not have recognized them as such. They show up wearing their home sewn dresses and bonnets, and go to classes in a teaching hospital where they learn about every high-tech treatment that veterinarians now have access to.


Painting_Agency t1_j4mp7o9 wrote

Trying to gotcha the Amish when you have a superficial understanding of their beliefs isn't really a useful activity.

Their society has its own sins but they believe technology shouldn't alienate people from community and their heritage. They adopt new ways cautiously and with reservation, for instance, a telephone used to sell crops or to call for aid in an emergency. Using gasoline as needed to aid farming or the household is something they have considered and in some cases accept.


Painting_Agency t1_j19kox4 wrote

And you're defending what is, in all likelihood, a case of abuse or neglect in an industry where abuse and neglect are endemic. There are two possibilities: you've worked in an abusive "teen correction" facility and are yourself completely implicated, or you have not and don't understand how corrupt and dangerous they are.


Painting_Agency t1_izx1gl6 wrote

No creepy, exploitative compound living? No rampant sexual abuse or taking of multiple wives by a charismatic leader? What kind of cult IS this anyway?

(It's definitely a cult though, and objectively weird. Just sounds relatively harmless)