
Pakutto t1_jc9192u wrote

Incredibly underrated advice. Really REALLY good to keep this in mind.

EDIT: To all of you complaining about how bad your life is and how this advice is bad ... in reality, you guys need to follow this advice the most. Appreciations and perspective are key to getting through some rough times.


Pakutto t1_j27n0pn wrote

You have to ask yourself - is this dream so important to you that you'll either "achieve it or die trying"? If so, then it's certainly worth the hassle.

Especially because even if something happens and you don't get into space yourself, you could still find yourself working with space studies all the time by working with NASA or something of that nature. And working with something you love, even in smaller capacity, is still better than nothing.

You also have to ask yourself... What would hurt more? Trying and failing - or giving up early, then later regretting that you never gave it a chance? Do you fear heartbreak, more than you love space?

Or put another way - which would you prefer: Some chance of heartbreak with some chance of space... or no chance of heartbreak, but no chance of space either?

These are very personal questions. But they can help you figure out how badly you want it. For some people, they realize they could be happier if they pursued something a bit easier. And that's perfectly okay. But for others, they couldn't imagine giving up the chase. I know what it's like to have a dream, and I have so much passion for mine that it scares me terribly not to try to make it happen. Because I know I could forgive myself for failing, but I couldn't possibly forgive myself for throwing my precious dream away on purpose.


Pakutto t1_ir1rk08 wrote

My leg just broke a few weeks ago, and I've still been down as I'm trying to deal with it, basically skipping my favorite season while this thing heals.

But this way of thinking? For a moment, it made me stop thinking "I hate these bad times" and instead think "wow, I'm so excited for when the good times come again"

Thanks for the post :)