
Panopticocon t1_j1yg7mb wrote

A more adequate thesis could be that art itself will be the like typewriter in the digital age. Will we still need this primitive language of human emotion and subconciousness? Or will this means of expression become obsolete in a transhuman world where the human condition will change fundamentally in the sense that there will be no more suffering or misunderstandings about our the nature and the universe.


Panopticocon t1_j1yel58 wrote

AI art makers also try to communicate emotions. Only the process to do so (prompt iterating) is different from 100% self made art. Artists where traditionally seen as some sort of ultra profound individuals because they had the skills to express their thoughts into the physical realm. While others could not. Now everyone can do it. There will probably still be some respect for the dedication of the artist, but they wont be on the same piedestal for it anymore.