
Parabola_Cunt t1_j66it1m wrote

Thoughtful writing, OP! Well written.

Here is the big “if” with your entire argument about this being a good deal for Open AI: that is a HUGE AMOUNT of money to repay to Microsoft and VCs. We’re talking years and years of consistently high/increasing profitability and market domination before the rights are back to Open AI exclusively.

Does anyone really think OpenAI is going to be the dominant AI in 5 years? 10 years? Do you not think Microsoft or a competitor will siphon the tech during that time? It’s a huge bet on themselves, and a huge bet against others to not catch up.

My point is: I wouldn’t put too much value in the “they’ll get it back” aspect at the end of all this. Microsoft knows it’ll be a widely replicated, aged piece of old meat at that point.

But outside of that aspect, I agree with the rest of your points. Logical all around.


Parabola_Cunt t1_j3pogqx wrote

Or, you know, Toyota Prius. Those were popular and the OG “eco friendly” car that celebrities popularized in the early 2000s when Musk was still playing leather clad dragon slayer steam punk.


Parabola_Cunt t1_ixz2rjr wrote

It might help with symptom reduction (stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose), but this won’t get rid of the virus. Think of it like cleaning out a straw with running water: yes, it gets rid of most of the material inside of it, but it won’t be “clean” as some debris remains behind unless there are cleaning agents (soap) to break down the lipid barrier.


Parabola_Cunt t1_iv16ako wrote

The innovations happening with algae based concrete are promising. Very renewable… and if algae is involved in more food and energy supplies in the future, this is a great end of life use case for algae. If those other thing don’t happen though, it would be really difficult to get the volume you’d need to make it work for concrete at scale.

(This reminds me of how sawdust saw a new use case in transporting blocks of ice in the late 1800s before modern refrigeration emerged. Totally new end of life purpose for an otherwise thrown away product. Sawmills in the northeastern USA got a whole new revenue stream).

We’re probably still like 10+ years from it being at a point to scale to the size we need to eliminate regular concrete, but the idea and value are both there. They just need to show people.


Parabola_Cunt t1_iv150dh wrote

Lol, after re-reading that.. yes, I was a little too enthusiastic. I just think this is a really good idea.

I agree that curved walls don’t “matter” in terms of quality of living experience, but it could open up a lot of new design possibilities on the interior that weren’t possible before. I think that’s really cool.

The other advantages I mentioned are more important IMO. Cheaper, faster, safer construction that might produce longer lasting structures. (Concrete if prepped/poured right, can last for a very long time without failure.)


Parabola_Cunt t1_iuzs1np wrote

It fundamentally changes home design. From the simple fact that homes don’t need to be rectangular to more important things like changes access for plumbing and electrical. And contrary to belief, the interior surfaces could be dry walled just like any home today. But I would argue better printing quality and materials would render drywall obsolete. Just print the final wall surface.

It’s a superior manufacturing concept, but needs refinement and really really needs a partnership with green concrete tech. It could lead to a new way for home owners to get government grants, just like with solar.
