
ParallelPeterParker t1_j6o3q21 wrote

>My biggest complaint with Krasner is that he and his top level staff are all big-idea people, and aren’t really interested in the boring work of management and bureaucracy. And that boring work absolutely has to be done for those big ideas to succeed.

Which candidate for mayor has offered anything approximating this? I haven't really seen one. They just bloviate.

As a counter: How does a candidate do this? It's hard to message "boring work" to voters.


ParallelPeterParker t1_j5zaffi wrote

Safe is a relative term. This side of private options (and even then) there are no safe bike racks. That said, the 16th/Locust Patco stop is fully covered and has decent racks. Bikes have definitely been stolen from there. That said, one time I even had trouble with my own lock and a cop came down and asked me about it until I showed him the key was just stuck.

YMMV, but it is def dry.


ParallelPeterParker t1_j28y5vw wrote

The east falls branch is still closed. Honestly, the best PO IMHO is either castle station (broad and ~morris, I think - they have a very easy drop off door) or the daddy PO at 30th/Chestnut (which is super busy).

The worst was Suburban where you had to wait in line to drop off packages (or allegedly cut the line), but they still had to "ask the questions".


ParallelPeterParker t1_iua52yt wrote

I dont have a basis of comparison because I've biked for years and only take public trans in bad weather, but my wife used to take the El daily when we lived in west Philly (moved in june 2020). We've moved twice and she basically refuses to take it alone.

Rush hour is about the only time she'll consider it and even then. Honestly speaking, there's always some risk because some people suck, but it certainly feels more frequent today than say prepandemic.

Eta: regional rail is generally fine.


ParallelPeterParker t1_iu4pty3 wrote

The at-large voting here is perhaps one of the greater problems with Philly politics/elections - I admit the City is overwhelmingly Democratic, which is fine, but leveraging the process to avoid a primary system is something that needs to be fixed. Citizens/voters should have a chance to vet alternatives themselves.

Voters shouldn't be stuck between choosing a hand/party-picked successor and a Republican (and a Liberatarian...but whatever).