
PassionsBite t1_jbadr3s wrote

I really love Wans. It's 1 person in 1 room so it's completely private. She does a great job and her prices are reasonable enough that i can be there for 2 hours, leave a nice tip, and not break the bank. I get the thai massage, which has her working you through stretching exercises, and it helps me so much. You can book online too, which I love.


PassionsBite t1_j7dl6rg wrote

There are a bunch, and some nice ones just over the border in NH too. The one in woodsville Friday night is nice and fairly well attended. My Bf recommends meeting guide app, it will use your location to find meetings close to you.


PassionsBite OP t1_j3a7aht wrote

It is AI generated; sorry, I thought my comment on the post made that clear. I still thought it was cool, especially since so many of the AI generated super villains tended toward the male clown variety. I just wanted to share something I thought was interesting, but since so many people seem to be taking it extremely poorly maybe I should remove this post.


PassionsBite OP t1_j340qgo wrote

This was part of an AI series on supervillains from each state. I saw the God version and thought the super villain looked cooler, so I wanted to share.


PassionsBite t1_izqsxwe wrote

Shop around, shop online. Sometimes there are extra discounts offered just for buying online rather than in store and I find I spend way less because you can't really impulse buy in the online format. If you can go direct to a farm to get something, do that.


PassionsBite t1_ixyvt6p wrote

You didn't break her trust. There is no way to trust that a person won't love you. Thoughts are not actions. You acted exactly as she expected, as a friend would. You can love a friend extremely dearly without being in love with them. Love doesn't require romance. Be steadfast in your friendship. If you want to pursue and decide to, drop some hints and see if she picks them up. If she doesn't, accept it's not a romantic sort of love. That doesnt make it a love any less important or worthy.


PassionsBite OP t1_iw38kgr wrote

That would be awesome. There are a few places that I think need work. 1. Stairs: I have a 2 step concrete and brick stair I want to replace with stone. 2. Retaining walls. There are a couple of retaining walls that are a mix of concrete and stone. They aren't doing too well and I need to know what they would cost to fix / replace. I'm also curious if some terracing might help there.