
PauI_MuadDib t1_jd7h4ky wrote

Consider supporting NY Senate Bill 182. It would repeal qualified immunity throughout the entirety of NYS.

Call/email your senator and tell them to vote for SB 182. Hochul has said she'd veto it, but the bill's sponsor (Sen. Robert Jackson) has said Dems are prepared to use their supermajority to override her. So every vote is going to count on this.


PauI_MuadDib t1_jd7gikg wrote

The NYPD's sex crime unit is actually currently under federal investigation. They failed to perform basic investigations, misreported sexual assaults as less serious crimes or intimidated/coerced victims into not reporting their sexual assaults because the detectives wanted to cash their paychecks without doing any actual work.

I notice Adams has done nothing to address this. I guess attempting to lower the crime rate doesn't include sex crimes.

All of this detectives should be charged for OT fraud and defrauding taxpayers since they happily collected their salary while refusing to do basic work. What the fuck were they doing instead of working???


PauI_MuadDib t1_jbewsm8 wrote

The city's approach to a lot of things is financially unsustainable. NYPD broke records last year for misconduct settlements. Taxpayers had over 121 million of their hard-earned tax dollars just flushed down the toilet. And in 2023 we're going to have to deal with wrongful conviction lawsuits from those almost 2k cases connected to the NYPD'S Joseph Franco scandal.

Because to Adams tax dollars grows on trees and is neverending. Pfft it's not like that money could've been used to do something crazy like benefit the entire community....


PauI_MuadDib t1_jb5zzem wrote

Our legal system, especially for sex crimes, has a ton of issues. Remember, the NYPD's sex crimes unit is even currently under federal investigation for how badly they handled investigations/reports of sex crimes, including filing wrong complaints, not doing even basic investigations or convincing victims not to report their sexual assault because detectives didn't want to do the work.

Then add in that judges and prosecutors tend not to take sex crimes seriously either, and you've got situations like this.


PauI_MuadDib t1_jamlk6a wrote

I'd like to remind everyone that the NYPD cost NYC taxpayers over 121 million in lawsuit settlements last year, breaking a 5 year record. That 121 million does not include the cost of the lawsuits, only the settlements.

If you're sick of your tax dollars being flushed by the NYPD then email/call your senator and ask them to support NY Senate Bill 182, which would repeal Qualified Immunity throughout NYS.

Take 5-10 minutes out of your day and contact your senator. The bill's sponsor, Sen. Robert Jackson, has said Dems are prepared to use their supermajority to override Hochul's veto if it comes to that. So every vote will count.

Call, email, tweet, whatever. Just let them know to look into supporting NY SB 182.

Let's hope the NYPD doesn't break this same record in 2023.


PauI_MuadDib t1_j6yscwf wrote

I posted those links because they bring up some of the issues around indemnification. But Colorado's law is the closest to what NY SB 182 is proposing. Except one huge difference is that SB 182 includes law enforcement AND "government officials." But here's some links talking about indemnification, and Colorado's law. It was an issues discussed heavily with their bill too.

The first link is the best one imo. It mentions indemnification and how if an officer is found liable by their gov employer to have violated constitutional rights or policy they won't be fully indemnified. The officer will have to pay a certain percentage. Colorado capped it at 5 percent of the settlement/jury award, not to exceed 25k. The employer will pay part of it, but if law or policy was found to be violated the officer will be personally on the hook for a percentage.

That's why I mentioned it. There are restrictions to being fully indemnified, and that's not unique to Colorado. And the gov employer (police departments in this case) also aren't going to appreciate a hit to their budget or insurance going up.

A cop won't personally be paying a million dollars. But if you're going to risk your employer only paying a percentage of the settlements/award that's still going to be a hit to your wallet. Especially for repeat offenders. 1k here, 3k there, maybe even 5k. That's going to add up and most people don't like losing thousands of dollars. So that might incentivize you to intervene if your coworker is fucking up. And the employer might look at you and say you're eating into the budget, you're making us pay out the wazoo for insurance premiums, I'm having a difficult time justifying why you are worth keeping.

This bill definitely has its limits and won't magically solve every single problem we have. Remember, it can also be changed because right now it's only a proposed bill. This bill could be changed for the better (or the worse lol). That's why it's important to call up our senators and tell them what we do & don't want with SB 182.

It's also limited to state court and deprivation of rights under the state constitution. And we have no idea how judges will end up applying it if and when it's put into action.

It's an albeit small, but good step in the right direction.

I have a feeling the police unions know this, and that's why instead of letting the bill proceed and not waste their breath fighting it, they've teamed up with Hochul to torpedo it. If was really a do-nothing bill then what do they care?


PauI_MuadDib t1_j6y8aoe wrote

If the law really "does nothing" then I wonder why police unions are spending so much time, money and resources fighting tooth and nail to defeat it? 🤔 I think the lady doth protest too much, and this law will do more than naysayers claim.

It's very similar to Colorado's QI repeal and they had it already help curb misconduct. They found out officers were more likely to intervene or report coworkers for misconduct.

A gov employer will indemnify you if you were within the law or policy. Which I think is a fair compromise. An employer will also be less likely to keep a bad employee that's jacking up their insurance premiums and eating into their budget.

Here's two good resources on myths surrounding repealing qualified immunity.

If it didn't change anything and is a big ole nothing burger then the police unions sure are wasting a lot of money & effort to stop it. I wonder why???


PauI_MuadDib t1_j6xbbn9 wrote

This is why I'm supporting NY Senate Bill 182, which proposes to repeal qualified immunity on the state level. If the police unions are fighting so hard against it I know it's gotta be good lol.

SCOTUS won't overturn federal qualified immunity, so it looks like states will have to do what they gotta do at the local level. Colorado & New Mexico did it. It's NYS' chance now.


PauI_MuadDib t1_itlm5ez wrote

I am sick of losers like this bum flushing taxpayer money down the toilet. That money could've been used to benefit the entire community. Instead it has to be wasted on an asshole that doesn't know how to do their job and likes to cosplay as a Gravy Seal.

And look at these other tax gobbling shitbirds.

What good is a cop that's been Brady listed? A cop that can't even be counted on to testify is worthless. What good are any arrests they make if they're considered so untrustworthy prosecutors can't even rely on them.

I feel terrible for the good cops forced to work with these sack of shit bad cops. No one should have to count on these guys for anything. They're a disgrace and a danger to other officers.