
Paves911 t1_ja7fbb9 wrote

Nah don’t feel silly man!! I came into this thread with knowledge of OPs statements in past threads so part of my comment was based on that knowledge. After I saw your comment I went back and re-read OP and realized that without that prior knowledge, it’s super easy to take his message as frustration from a sincere fan. I 100% understand why you thought that and I won’t be surprised if other people think that as well so it’s probably good you said something that way I could clarify what I meant by the last part of my original comment! So no worries homie you’re all good 🤝🫂

And I feel you man. It’s absolute robbery that this show hasn’t received the accolades it deserves. But at least we know in our hearts how great it is and nobody can ever take that from us😤


Paves911 t1_ja7ecfp wrote

Definitely not a misjudgement; minutes before making this post OP was in the Better Call Saul subreddit calling it a terrible show. He said nobody likes it except Reddit and that it deserves to lose every award. Here is one such example of his trash talking lol

But to be fair, I totally see where you’re coming from! Without that added knowledge, this post alone doesn’t fully communicate the OPs intentions and it can be easy to misconstrue as a frustrated post in support of BCS. But nah. OP is just a hater 😂 and that’s fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But the way he is trying to make it sound like everyone in the world hates the show is so weird.

And yeah like I said, definitely not holding my breath over any awards. Personally I stopped giving a damn about awards shows a long time ago


Paves911 t1_ja794eg wrote

Yeah it definitely does a lot to stand on its own. I think a lot of us, myself included, wrote it off at first because of the nature of it being a spin-off. But holy cow if we weren’t wrong. The show really went above and beyond. The fact that people debate which is better, BrBa or BCS, and both sides have a very valid argument, is a testament to how great of a spin-off it is. Better Call Saul definitely did things differently than breaking bad and in some cases, did thing BETTER than breaking bad. They are both masterpieces in their own ways 💯


Paves911 t1_ja78ril wrote

Tons of people love the show :) myself included. The episodes are extremely highly rated and well reviewed online as well. Not sure where you perceive all this hate is coming from, unless you’re just trolling around because you didn’t like the show 😛 and if we used awards shows as our sole barometer for what’s good and what’s not then we’d be very lost because there have been countless movies/shows/albums that have been masterpieces deserving of accolades but never ended up winning any. Shit happens 🤷‍♂️

If awards are all you care about, it’s been nominated for countless awards. Being nominated alone should be an honor if you truly hold these awards in an esteemed light

Also it performed kinda well at the HCA awards not too long ago

Hopefully this will be the year it finally gets some of the award recognition it deserves, now that the show has concluded. But I certainly won’t hold my breath. Awards shows have never really been my bread and butter

But honestly judging by your posts it’s clear you’re not looking for a legitimate conversation; I suspect you just want an excuse to trash talk the show because you don’t like it and it bothers you that other people do

Edit: for anyone who doesn’t think OP hates the show, scroll down this comment chain. I only left the last part of this comment because OP was trashing the show over in the BCS subreddit saying it’s garbage and nobody likes it and it doesn’t deserve awards