
Pekkleduck t1_ja1ia17 wrote

It may be that your lights are all connected in a series with other outlets. If one part of the series loses connection / blows out, it can prevent the rest of the series from getting power.

As others have said, see if something has tripped as a GFCI outlet. I've purchased a voltage tester pen, and it has saved me many a headaches and allowed me to feel more confident and safe when dealing with electrical.

In my situation, I ran into a weird phenomenon where I updated a light switch (same type) and then lost lighting to the entire room.

Except then it turned back on. Then off again. I checked the box for a blown fuse. Nada. I went up to the attic to see if a junction or something burnt out. Everything had power.

I eventually figured out that there was an outlet that had a backstabbed connection and it would sometimes lose connection / regain when opening or closing the door. That outlet was connected in series with the lights, so when it lost connection the rest of the lights.