
Pepita09 t1_j3fu0m5 wrote

UW grad here. I had friends who went to UW with me (about 10 years ago) specifically for computer science, and then literally couldn't get into the program because it was so competitive.

So. Just because you go to the state's "good" computer science school doesn't mean you'll get into the program.

Go to WSU. See if you like the program. If not, try to transfer. Either way, make sure you take advantage of any internships, etc. In my experience, they're the best pathway to a career after college, regardless of the field.


Pepita09 t1_izmwl2a wrote

You're also going to need a lawyer with experience with state laws (RCWs) to help you draft the initiative. Some initiatives (even the well funded ones) end up being a pain in the butt to enact or enforce because they contradict existing RCWs or somehow violate the state constitution.

For example, I-502, the initiative that legalized recreational marijuana in 2012. The Legislature had to go in and clean up a lot of stuff before it could actually be implemented, in part because of how it was drafted.