
PeregrineC t1_j82efhn wrote

Sure thing, babytroll. You whisper your affirmations in the mirror. "I bring value, and I get along with people, and anyone who doesn't think so is projecting their sadness."

Then ask if anyone can mop the drool off your chin, because the collective is probably saying, as soon as you toddle off, "For fuck's sake, this idiot is asking questions again because they're too fucking incompetent to do anything themselves."


PeregrineC t1_j81nk1h wrote

Yep, pretty much. If someone did say that out loud in the office, I'd be pretty sure they're a blundering dunderfuck who shouldn't be trusted to buckle their own belt, let alone use a toilet.

And so, since you said it in the office, plenty of people have said, "Why the fuck can't you figure that out yourself?", while you're all "Nyah nyah! I got someone to do it for me, and you're all losers and smell funny."

So, hey. Every so often when online, I get to ping you, and apparently this makes you SO VERY SAD.


PeregrineC t1_j7zayg9 wrote

Try: "Candice Bergen" "Murphy Brown", which would be the two obvious key phrases.

Top hit gets the Wikipedia page, and literally the first sentence displayed on Google -- without needing to click through -- gets "The series stars Candice Bergen as the eponymous Murphy Brown, a famous investigative journalist and news anchor".