
PerennialPangolin t1_j8zbb50 wrote

Your landlord is supposed to make some kind of arrangements for handling food scraps:

Unfortunately, one of the options listed is “require tenants to make an independent plan to manage their food scraps separate from the trash and confirm that this happens” which sounds like a pretty easy out for landlords…. They should at least have provided you with information about drop off options, though. (If you are interested, you can find a list of Chittenden County drop-off locations here. They all accept food scraps; $1 for a 5 gallon container, or free if you are also paying for trash drop-off.)


PerennialPangolin t1_ixhxev7 wrote

I think there’s a decent chance that “tub” is actually a typo for “tube,” although to the best of my knowledge none of the Vermont resorts actually offer snow tubing.