
PerineumFalc0n t1_iu6bq2i wrote

I've been a loyal libertarian activist, donor, and voter for over a decade.

Beto isn't a fascist. The republican biased SCOTUS backing up actual fascists like Abbott is the biggest threat to your liberty. And you're cool with letting it happen.

Moral victories count for nothing when the night of long knives comes to America.


PerineumFalc0n t1_iu1ltrk wrote

Given the atrocious laws Abbott has signed restricting voter access, women's rights, and his xenophobic policies towards immigrants - all in the context of a GOP biased Supreme Court - would you be willing to endorse Beto for the good of democracy and personal rights?

A moral victory with more resulting republican fascism in Texas is not a good outcome. Perhaps your endorsement would lend influence for Beto to back off from his bad gun policies.