
PermaThrowaway111 t1_jae253j wrote

I think its a little bit of wanting to prop herself up a bit more than take you down. She is taking a very unconventional route of wanting to build a mobile camping van for her living space. People are going to either consciously or subconsciously judge her for this choice. So what she is effectively doing is telling you all the great reasons she is doing this and why what she is choosing to do "makes sense". No one is going to question you wanting to buy a house. Her route on the other hand....

I'm again only basing this on one conversation alone, so it's kind of hard to see a pattern. But from my perspective that's what it seems like.


PermaThrowaway111 t1_jae0a6m wrote

I mean, I was with you all the way until the end. I'm sure there are a lot of cultural differences here going on but you are seriously flawed as a person. You are incredibly selfish to think the world revolves around you. You had feelings for her and had a connection yet you never think about her or her feeling? You cannot be that obtuse to know she wasn't into you.

On top of that you say she has no right to be upset at you. She can be upset at you for any reason she chooses. If she cuts you off, that's her choice. You don't get a say. And then you go on some narcissistic rant about you wanting someone as good looking as yourself all while insulting her for no reason.

She dodged a major bullet and she doesn't even know it. You sound like an awful person.


PermaThrowaway111 t1_iyfdp0j wrote

Tell her that all of her reasons to keep your relationship a secret are for the consideration of others when YOU are the one in this relationship. She's considering the feelings of everyone else over yours, when after a year and a half I think its safe to say you should be a priority.

I would also ask her how long does she see this "secret" lasting? It's just not feasible.

If this were a fling, sure I could understand some secrecy. But if you have a full fledged relationship for this amount of time and assuming it's going strong then there should be no issues of trying to hide it any longer.


PermaThrowaway111 t1_iyfaaf3 wrote

If your girlfriend is continually posting pictures just for attention and validation from other men, well that I would consider highly disrespectful. If it was her job or related to some source of income, there's at least another conversation to be had. But in this instance to me this would not be something I would stick around for. All she is telling you is that you will not be enough for her.


PermaThrowaway111 t1_iyaliv1 wrote

Probably because you're not the least bit approachable. Just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean men are just going to fawn all over them. If I had to pick between approaching an 8 who looks friendly and has a nice vibe going on versus going after a 10 where they think they're gods gift to earth, arms crossed with a don't talk to me face, I'm going after the 8 every time.

Approachability matters.


PermaThrowaway111 t1_iujauk8 wrote

I mean, it seems that men are kind of in a no-win situation these days when it comes to cold approach. That was the only way to do it previous to online dating. You approach a woman who you believe is attractive and attempt to strike up a conversation.

But I will say, the level of attractiveness of the guy approaching does seem to play a significant part in whether or not the compliment is well received or not.