
Perplexed_Radish OP t1_j7hegzi wrote

> Agency is required for Work to be done. When Work is done, it creates Value—because Value is, in itself, an expression of Agency; a piece of Lifespan which has been used and consumed in order to create something that’s considered valuable. In other words: > > Agency is Value… because it is Valued, because it can be transformed into Labor—into: > > Work which has been done. > > Thus, Agency itself—one’s effort and one’s time—is quite literally what we’d call… Human Capital. > > Value is created when Agency is expended. And so, we—human beings—trade our Labor and our Lifetimes in order to create or obtain Resources: the things which we need to survive. > > In this way, Agency is converted into Capital, and is thus stored as things-of-Value—as things which are judged as Valuable by a collective human Subjectivity. After all, it took someone else’s Labor—the investment and expenditure of their human Lifeforce—in order to create or obtain them.

Sure, I would agree that it’s true that capitalism prioritizes dedication of Agency toward problems which are capable of generating the most Value.

While it’s true that diabetics (or any individual or group for that matter) can face exploitation in the Darwinism of a capitalistic system, it is also equally true that in a socialist system any Value which is created must still be made through Labor—and where does the Labor which will fund this Value come from? Or rather, perhaps more appropriately: from whom will we take the necessary Agency with which we’ll then subsidize this new distribution of Value?

If you succeed in securing Capital to fund your social policy, then you get Western Europe; if you fail, then you get Venezuela. But then, let me ask you this question: How has Europe sourced the Capital which funds its progressive social policy?

Do you think that the most expedient method for achieving stable socialist society is by immediately implementing total progressive social policy in the absence of sustainable resource generation? I’m interested to hear what you think a viable solution might be.