
Persist_and_Resist t1_iyd86uj wrote

Water is a much better conductor of heat than air. So whatever the difference in temperature, your body will more quickly move towards the temperature of the water than it does with the air.

That is also why boiling food tends to cook it quicker than making it even though boiling is done in lower temperatures.


Persist_and_Resist t1_iy1wsj3 wrote

In all fairness, this does assume decent footwear and a Roman paved road, with worse conditions being expected to slow units down.

But a lot of encumbrance plus having to do it for a long time makes it a lot more impressive. At the time, it was quite the feat mostly because the Romans had the infrastructure make it happen.


Persist_and_Resist t1_iy1wbk7 wrote

Yeah, but you are not carrying the kit of a soldier, which includes full armour, weapons, and provisions. Nor maintaining that speed for an average of ten hours a day and often more. Nor doing this all in conjunction with other men, and while remaining alert and ready for combat.

Strategic movement speeds are much slower than what you think because you have to factor in everything.


Persist_and_Resist t1_iy1o1i7 wrote

  1. The sun is not in "outer space" because it is big enough to have enough gravity to have an atmosphere, but more importantly...
  2. The sun is not burning. It is undergoing nuclear fusion because it is so big and generates so much gravity, that the gravity actually forces elements together in the core. This resembles burning only in that it produces a hell of a lot of heat and light.

Persist_and_Resist t1_iy1ced5 wrote

Yeah, people within the subcultures where these traits are more common do tend to stick together, and you are displaying one of the reasons for that when you mock them.

Somebody covering themselves in tattoos or piercings or having wild hair doesn't affect me negatively in any way. Maybe I'll have a private chuckle to myself if I find something silly, but I have no reason to attack them just for existing.


Persist_and_Resist t1_ivqki0v wrote

If I am watching a show intentionally, I watch it in order.

But most of my life I was subject to the whims of scheduling, so missing a few episodes and only getting to watch them years later was the norm.

Definitely don't see any reason I'd intentionally watch shows out of order. But if I happen to walk in on a show halfway through and it looks awesome it still sometimes happens.