
PeterP211 t1_ivgtk9t wrote

If you mean repression caused by celibacy - and not some sort of cultural repression - then no. Pedophilia is a deep seated psychosexual deviancy, not something that gets turned on like a light switch.

And two other issues with this logic:

  1. No one forced these guys into the clergy nor is priestly celibacy some sort of surprise.

  2. If someone is willing to break their celibacy (due to it being repressive) to prey in kids, wouldn’t they be just as or more likely to break it to sleep with an adult, if the celibacy was such an issue for them?


PeterP211 t1_ivg5zxy wrote

One doesn’t become a pervert by being celibate. Pedophilia and other deviancies are deep rooted to the point of being what these people ‘are’ rather than what they ‘do’.

Saying that a middle aged man could be turned into a pedophile is like saying middle aged me could suddenly become a pedophile because my nephew were to move into my house.

You either are or you aren’t when it comes to this stuff.


PeterP211 t1_ivg5cbs wrote

There’s no relationship between celibacy and child sexual abuse. I mean, I’ve been between relationships for years and it didn’t lead me to trolling around grade schools in a van, trying to lure some 10 year old in with some candy so I could violate him. That’s just stupid logic and it’s not how pedophilia works.

Any priest that molested a kid had perverted sexual desires before going into the priesthood.

Now, your first option makes total sense. If I was a perv, I’d be drawn to a profession that offers me authority over and access to the object of my sick desire.

And that’s apart from any cultural issues going on within the Church that prevents weeding out the sickos, if not actively covering up such activity.

There may also be an element with some pervs where they enter the priesthood thinking it’s a place where they can escape their sickness.


PeterP211 t1_iqw8chq wrote

Considering he murdered a 6-year old by intentionally running over him 3x - one of which was parking the car over the child’s face - any concern about lax DUI punishment is probably out the window.

This guy’s most likely facing lethal injection for something this brazen and wantonly cruel.