
PhilaTesla t1_j7dhd4r wrote

That goes back to the idiotic practice of keeping the registration decals directly on the plates themselves. People would get clear plastic covers for their plates to try to protect the decals. If you're old enough, you might remember consumer reporter Herb Dennenberg, who had a segment calling out people who did that (for making it harder for police to read the plates, etc.) while completely missing the reason for using the covers.


PhilaTesla t1_j2qmxr0 wrote

So a relative who's a retired lawyer told me that Morgan's firm has a national advertising budget of approximately $31 million per year.

Let that figure sink in as you think about all the absurd billboards and television ads that he has across the country.


PhilaTesla t1_iy2lbhl wrote

Hedley Lamarr: Meeting adjourned. Oh, I am sorry, sir, I didn't mean to overstep my bounds. You say that. Governor Lepetomane: What? Hedley Lamarr: "Meeting is adjourned". Governor Lepetomane: It is? Hedley Lamarr: No, you say that, Governor. Governor Lepetomane: What? Hedley Lamarr: "Meeting is adjourned". Governor Lepetomane: It is? Hedley Lamarr: [sighs, then gives the governor a paddleball] Here, play around with this for awhile. Governor Lepetomane: Thank you, Hedy. Hedley Lamarr: No, it's Hedley! Governor Lepetomane: It is?