
PhillyChapter9 t1_jed3gfn wrote

If your storing cash and lead for the shtf scenario, then you would be much better off swapping the cash for another metal - silver. In the scenario where bullets have value, cash would be worthless or inflated to near worthless while silver oz’s would have barter value just like your rounds. Between the collapse and shtf cash will have a use, but you will be better off in the long stockpiling more silver than cash.


PhillyChapter9 t1_jed0rpx wrote

After the FDIC deal with first citizens for SIVB what is the incentive for anyone to buy FRC? Let it blow buy the performing assets, get a below market fdic loan rate, and let the fdic share in any losses. Why would anyone take on the risk themselves if they can potentially get that deal after a failure?