
Pierogipuppy t1_j1k5rt6 wrote

Honestly I wish my dad could be strong enough to spend Christmas alone. Instead he’s going to his ex wife’s house. She has borderline personality disorder, falsely accused him of abusing her, and is a raging narcissistic bitch that made growing up impossibly difficult. My entire family is with her now, and I’m the only one not there because I simply cannot. She hasn’t spoken to me in over 9 months. My dad gave her shit about it, so she called me - I didn’t answer. Then she had the gall to tell everyone I “declined” to come over for Christmas.

So good for you for being stronger than the rest of my family. I would rather be alone than spend a second with that psychotic bitch.

Sorry for unleashing on this thread. I’m actually dealing with this stuff in therapy, but I still feel like raging sometimes.