
PignaBatman t1_j76rshd wrote

I like to belive that the monster tried to take his head off, and his screams woke up his family just in time for them to shoot that thing down.

This way Gramps gets carried to the hospital and his head is reattached (giving it wasn't ripped off completely), giving him the scar and killing that monster.

What a graphic story man. Loved it


PignaBatman t1_iw824gq wrote

Rule 3 is for going outside during nighttime, which is considered to start after 10 PM. He came out before that, and therefore saw the monster at 10:00:08 in the airport. Rule 3 was not broken.

The monster is there for rule 4, speaking to the girl which wasn't his sister. Following rule #4, the monster will hunt him down for 3 nights, after 10 PM