
PinkLemonade2 t1_ja8e76i wrote

As someone who has a veterinarian in my family, and years of experience dealing with rescues, I'm extremely confident in our decision, thank you very much. And it's been incredibly rewarding.

It would be nice if people came into this conversation with their heads not so far up their own asses, and maybe just a speck of actual knowledge versus blatant ignorance.

Also a huge fan of Darwin.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja4eqvr wrote

That's 100% not true. There are many reasons why a shelter would try to not use the word pitbull when describing a dog, but it is absolutely NOT because "they know they aren't safe as house pets".

The absolute worst case scenario for a shelter is a bad adoption, for many reasons. Shelters have nothing to gain, and alot to lose if they're having adoptions end poorly.

First and foremost, most of these dogs are mixed breed, so let's get that bit out of the way.

Now, as an example as to why a shelter would avoid using a pitbull label on a dog? Many places (apartment complexes, condos, gated communities) have self imposed rules that don't allow certain breeds, and often it includes pitbulls. So by avoiding that label, shelters are increasing the opportunities for the dog to find a home.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja4a1fj wrote

No kidding, man.

I've spent a good part of my life raising awareness for pitbulls. Most people have no idea what the fuck they are talking about, but man are they quick to get on their soapbox to preach. The media koolaid is something else, and boy do they slurp it up.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja3ubz6 wrote

Could be. Like I said before, I've worked at a few different kinds of shelters, in different areas, and it's been pretty consistent regarding this topic.

I mentioned the southeast shelter specifically because in my experience that neck of the woods still has a very long way to go regarding how they treat animals, yet they still had policies like I described.


PinkLemonade2 t1_ja39bm3 wrote

Calling the dog "a pitbull type" is irresponsible journalism. There are many dogs that could be described that way.

I'm very sad for the girl, but I'm also sad for the dogs who get misrepresented over and over in the media.

And shame on people who immediately jump to "of course it's a pitbull" conclusions.


PinkLemonade2 t1_j80berr wrote

So 4,000 of the 5,000 globally are there? I didn't realize the number was that high of % of their overall population. Part of my thinking just before you responded led me to: "Maybe a lack of potential mates globally would have it get desperate and change traditional locations". Seems that is unlikely.


I did read that the environment in Kamchatka has grown incredibly suboptimal. Wiki gives us this:

"Threats to survival include: habitat alteration, industrial pollution, and overfishing, which in turn decrease their prey source. The current population is estimated at 5,000 and decreasing. Heavy flooding, which may have been an effect of global climate change, caused almost complete nesting failure for the eagles nesting in Russian rivers due to completely hampering the ability of the parents to capture the fish essential to their nestlings' survival.Persecution of the bird in Russia continues, due to its habit of stealing furbearers from trappers"

All good reasons to head elsewhere, isn't it?


PinkLemonade2 t1_j804mk3 wrote

Thanks for the link. I:'ve read similar, and I have to be honest I'm not sure I believe in the theory. The fact that it's returned to almost the exact same spot makes me think it knows (however incredibly smart birds know) exactly where it is. It's not like it's wandering aimlessly, y'know?

I'm guessing there are other reasons it's here, (environmental?) but I find it hard to believe it's "lost". I could be wrong, and I know vagrancy exists, it just doesn't feel accurate for this one. I think we are underestimating that incredible animal by assuming it's lost.

Also, finding a mate is no simple task when there's only what, 5,000 of these things still on earth?