
Pinkumb t1_je4xilx wrote

The last assault I heard of a runner/jogger was either 2019 or 2020. There was one guy who assaulted two different women at K Park. I believe he was later arrested and pleaded guilty citing his was high on crack and felt remorse. He got some several decades of prison time.

As horrific as that example is, I can't think of any other instance. Although K Park is just south of Harbor Point so if that's what you were thinking maybe calibrate accordingly. Personally, I don't know if any of the Stamford parks are large enough to recommend a proper run. You could run around Shippan. The neighborhood is nice and there's an active police presence there.


Pinkumb t1_jd4d6rz wrote

There was a recent effort on this:

>The proposal would limit leaf-blower usage — previously exempt from
Stamford's noise control ordinance — to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays,
and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekends and holidays. The restrictions do not
apply to city employees and agents operating them "in the course of city


Pinkumb OP t1_jclejyd wrote

>STAMFORD — The Board of Finance has approved allocating a $25,000 grant
toward a project to paint a mural on the new Stamford Transportation
Center parking garage, but the approval came with a proviso: “The mural
should be non-controversial and non-divisive.”
>Stamford Grants Officer Anita Carpenter told theboard at a meeting last week that the city received the money from theNational Endowment for the Arts for the installation of a mural on thestate-owned parking garage, which is currently under construction on South State Street. The garage is expected to open this summer.

Worth noting the criteria allows for murals that are stupid, over-the-top, and idiotic. Let's hear the community's best ideas. I think a unifying idea would be a fire-red background with black text saying: "GO BACK TO NEW YORK." You know, something representative of the town's style.


Pinkumb t1_jbljzs2 wrote

I believe there is a recently created women's only Reddit chat that may have some female-specific advice for you. Maybe one of them will jump in.

I think my advice these days is to seek out groups/organizations rather than places of business. For example, a group that goes to trivia night at XXX every Tuesday is more reliable than going to Happy Hour every Tuesday. Especially for your purposes of dating with intent, you want someone that others can endorse either explicitly or implicitly through being associated in an organization of some kind.

Hope that helps.


Pinkumb t1_jbk8clz wrote

Lorca is locally owned. She used to have a Cos Cob location but it closed during the pandemic.

Turning Point is locally owned.

Honey Joe's on Broad Street is locally owned.

Winfield is locally owned.

Humbled and BonJo are too but they're not downtown.

Unfortunately there's enough competition more coffee doesn't make sense but I am personally dissatisfied with almost all of them. I find Honey Joe's to be the most acceptable because they offer La Colombe. Lorca is inconsistent. Turning Point is very acidic. Winfield is absolute trash.


Pinkumb t1_jbb5vnv wrote

I understand traffic happens, but what drives me insane is when there is traffic on the opposite side of where the accident happened. Because you know with 100 percent certainty the cause of the traffic was not the accident but a string of people rubbernecking thinking "wow, look at that accident." It seems like a harmless response, but it literally generates thousands of hours lost among the rest of us collectively.

They need to invent some pop-up black screen cops can press a button and hide an accident from sight. I've seen people come to a complete stop and gawk at some person trapped inside an upside down car. It's depraved.


Pinkumb t1_javxzn7 wrote

We have a semi-regular Reddit meet-up organized through this subreddit. We're up to #4. Last one was last week. Beyond that there's some trivia nights at restaurants at Bedford Street, but generally I would say it can be difficult!


Pinkumb t1_jak4fhm wrote

66 Summer is not exempt from this concern but Atlantic Station West will have some form of construction directly next to it for the forseeable future. Across Tresser you have The Smyth finishing up, another development directly next to it, the lot south of you where Dogtopia is has pending approvals for construction, the parking lot next to KPMG is also supposed to be another massive apartment building. That's without considering the two remaining St. John's Towers which will almost certainly be demo'd and replaced within the next 10 years. 66 Summer will be loud for other reasons, but you won't get the blinding lights and daytime construction noise.

Purely anecdotal, I know one guy who lives in 66 Summer and he's very happy with it. Don't know anyone at Atlantic West.


Pinkumb t1_ja8ar6c wrote

I just want to share that in my experience there are two groups you'll be recommended. They advertise as accepting Aetna but neither of them are in-network. I believe the cheapest rate was $75 a session for a junior non-licensed professional (student in training). The typical staff was $325 a session. That fairfield average income really doing us dirty when it comes to mental health services.


Pinkumb t1_ja55qqy wrote

I used Patricia Rattray and recommend her because she's very intelligent and straight-forward. No realtor is going to focus on rentals because it's not their main source of income but I used her previously for that and was very helpful. She's very familiar with the city's inventory outside of the highly advertised/BLT properties. She also knows all the landlords and which ones have a bad reputation. She'll show you those spots too but will give you the disclaimer.