
Pl4tb0nk t1_iujprns wrote

I know what you mean but i think it just comes down to most art not being that good. We look back at our youth and even more at history and we see all the good art and think that that’s all there was but there is a pile of shit that just gets lost because it’s not worth remembering. Every remake rolls the dice again. You and I get see the dice roll for our favorite works again and most of it will be bad but that just the game and you can’t opt out.


Pl4tb0nk t1_iujihwa wrote

I get being angry when a remake butchers a thing you love. For example; I love Avatar the last airbender and I hate the live action remake. It made a bunch of unnecessary and just bad changes the story. I hate it more because I now how good the story can be. But I can still watch the show and nothing about it has changed. Bad remakes don’t retroactively make a thing worse (that can be true for sequels of course). I am glad that someone tried to expand on a thing I like, it’s just very sad that they did a poor job.


Pl4tb0nk t1_iuj90y7 wrote

That’s a remaster, not a remake. A remake should be it’s own beast. Like the difference between re-recording a song or covering a song.

And with regards to changes adding value I also agree I just also believe that things that don’t add or subtract artistic value (I.e representation) can still be good. As long as it’s not Disney adding 2 seconds of a charecter being gay that they cut out for Chinese/middle Eastern audiences, thats kinda fucked.


Pl4tb0nk t1_iuj2lsg wrote

I agree that they fucked up luke and the star wars canon in the sequels but that only true because they where sequels not remakes, squeals are still the same story so they share a canon.

I generally don’t think race swaps matter unless the race of the character is essential to the story. Incidentally this usually means that white characters are more often swapped since being white is often not essential to the story while black characters often have plot points that relate to them being black (I mean characters have been white washed historically but that’s slowing down).


Pl4tb0nk t1_iuiaxck wrote

But those two are the same thing? How many bonds are there like 5? A very large portion of fiction is a new version of an old story. If you change the story they are not the same story the old one is still there .They exist independently. No one’s is editing the CDs or books you own they are making new ones.


Pl4tb0nk t1_iui8me0 wrote

I think saying always is a little harsh considering this like she-ra. Often it goes bad but trying to give female characters more agency and male characters more emotional complexity for example, aren’t bad principles for improving a story.

Also the aim is rarely actually just to be progressive (the executives want to say that because of marketing). Artist want to make something good maybe they have a message to but literally all good fiction has a message.


Pl4tb0nk t1_iuhx8sh wrote

But like, that’s not any kind of indication of quality? Are you just mad that thing are going to change or du you just assume anything meant to be progressive/modern is bad?

Edit: I’m not saying that most of these remakes are good most aren’t. But most art isn’t good, only the best/most memorable is remembered. But ffs wait for the thing to come out first before passing judgment.
