
PlatypusAmbitious430 t1_j97dub6 wrote

That's so icky to me.

Is this not illegal in Canada as well then?

And to have it so brazenly on a site is beyond outrageous.

At least schools in the US try and pretend that they don't use it often (not saying it's acceptable but it's outrageous to me either way).

>I prefer the way some other schools in Canada do it, by looking at economic factors instead. Instead of asking "are you race X", they ask "Have you ever been to a good bank, are your parents unemployed, etc".

I have no problem with this.

That's how the UK does it at the moment.


PlatypusAmbitious430 t1_j96zu4a wrote

>Black & Indigenous students have lower GPA and LSAT/MCAT requirements for admission. Technically, that does mean that somebody of a different race can be passed over for a seat even if they have a stronger application since there are limited seats

Source? I'm not Canadian but I had no idea that Canada had a similar system.