
PlauntieM t1_jbf2yls wrote

People struggling with mental health and no safe support network can struggle to identify clear red flags or blatant abuse. A lot of people experiencing this will end up in, return to, or hop from one abusive situation to another because of this. The trauma experienced can make it even more challenging to see or manage.

It's also possible that they do see the flags and abuse, but feel that despite the poor treatment it's better than whatever alternative they may have to suffer otherwise. Financial dependence or other society-navigating dependance also leads to this. Need medication to manage but you can't cover it alone or depend on your partners benefits? This can also be true for people with poor physical health who get trapped for similar reasons.


PlauntieM t1_jad772k wrote

Coercing someone into sex is rape regardless of how physically "harmless" the coercion is.

Rape is usually comitted by someone the victim knows and trusted who uses their power over and/or intimate access to the victim. Like this guy did by using the intimate video he had of her to threaten her. Not all rape is done in some dangerous back alley by goons, most rape isn't. Being physically overpowered or violently attacked isn't a requirement for something to be considered "rape".

In this situation he was trying to coerce her into having sex after she already said no (i.e. he didn't accept her "no" and is threatening her into giving into him raping her) by threatening her privacy and reputation, not with physical violence. This is absolutely still rape since she already said no and he's threatening her.

Rape doesn't have to be a physically violent attack to be considered "rape", many victims freeze or fawn or comply and "let it happen" to protect themselves from seemingly worse harm. Not physically fighting back is still not consent.