
Plekuz t1_jdlrulh wrote

Happy to see this show is still alive in some minds. Just started watching it a few weeks ago. Finished S2. What a totally brilliant TV show this is, or rather was.

Right up my alley at what I love in TV shows. Mystery, weirdness, not explaining everything, relatable characters, not holding back on anything, putting your own mind at work, and a proper adult TV show.

I love it, and I don't know how I could have missed it all those years. Watch it if you have not already.


Plekuz t1_jc7s9pf wrote

AR glasses? Please, no, those are a privacy nightmare. I won't know what info you are gathering or automatically shown about me when looking at me. Big companies having my info is one, having it at the fingertips or should I say eyelashes of everyone in the world? Shudder. Sure, there could be rules around it, but who tells me you are complying to them so no, please God, no, no. Ok, rant over.

My phone. Batteries that last days. Better cameras, but the laws of nature are in the way for the most part there. Easier integration with other equipment like your laptop, TV, or camera gear. Longer support. Modular options to select exactly the phone you want, just like laptops and PCs. OS freedom if you want to. One time purchase for all apps, so you don't have to buy them again when switching Android to Apple. Better yet: a shared app store for all platforms. But most of all: better battery life.