
Poltras t1_iuf3wl3 wrote

I’ve stated here and offline multiple times that the single best thing we could do for self driving would be to improve our signage to also have a wireless communication protocol. Teslas get distracted by the moon thinking it’s a yellow light all the time. There’s too much contextual information necessary and ML isn’t capable of properly knowing if a light is green for your lane and if it’s safe to drive, yet.

Put a wireless beacon on lights that indicate lane setup, light status, directions, etc. It wouldn’t be expensive, and it would save all the self driving developers a lot of efforts.


Poltras t1_iuf1v4r wrote

I’m going to be a bit /r/UnpopularOpinion here and state that age should be verified and exposed all over the place on the internet. Names, gender/associations, etc could all be hidden or anonymous and I’d be happy, but we should force every users on social media to disclose their age (or at least a few choices, like teenage, YA, etc).

My discussions here and on many other platforms would be way healthier if I knew I’m taking to a 12 year old or a 40 year old.

Edit: I was expecting the downvotes but if you guys wanna start a discussion instead I’d be much more appreciative.
