
PossumsForOffice OP t1_izor3ea wrote

Oh my gosh, this looks like exactly what I’ve been searching for!

Rest assured, they are an hour away from my house. I will not be frequenting this closely held secret of yours enough to affect any lines.

Thank you for the tip! I can’t wait to try it.


PossumsForOffice OP t1_izol6gw wrote

I really appreciate the detailed comment here. I’ll have to try your hack for for getting great burgers at McDonald’s.

Unfortunately a lot of these recs - which i have no doubt are really good dine in burgers - aren’t quite what I’m looking for. I think it just doesn’t exist here. I’ve lived in a handful of places and there usually a local drive through burger joint that’s a cut above all other fast food places, but the prices are still comparable. These burgers might never be as good as a gourmet burger, but it’s more of your good quality diner burger. Maybe the McDonald’s trick will cut it.
